A Saint of Modern Times

Location: patiala, punjab, India

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ambrosial Teachings - I

One Supreme Power: This world is the manisfestation of one great power alone. Great men in different ages have lived their lives as an example to lead suffering humanity towards the path of truth. The noble principles expounded by them later acquire the form of rituals. The salvation of man doesn't lie in donning different garbs. For inner purification it is not necessary to put on a dhoti, wear sacred thread, possess long hair or shave off head. Lasting peace comes Following the principles of truth set out by saints. Leaders of all faiths have been recommending only two ways: one is selfless work and the second is devotion to One Great Power. This is also the path of freedom from ego. When the ego (pride) is worn out with the practice of meditation, then the person then the person himself becomes God. There is a persian saying:
Man tu shudam tu man shudi--man tan shudam tu jan shudi
Ta kas na goyad bad azi--man diagram tu deegari
(I have become you, you have become me, I am the body you the soul; so that no one should be able to say later that u and I are different)

God Worship: The biggest mistake is to consider oneself as separate or of Superior religion . Every religion leads to the knowledge of same Truth Eternel. Real God worship is to see that One Supreme Creator in everything and to find Him present everywhere. He is notconfined to a mere temple or a mosque. These are only places of worship. The purpose of reading holy books like Vedas and Quoran or any other is to bring truthfulness and purity within us. To recognise the One Truth by getting rid of the feelings of hatred and jealousy. By breaking the shakles of religion one should understand that One limitless Power with whose grace all living, from man to an ant, are moving about. To overcome one's ego and realise His influence everywhere. Only then can one enlightened about the life source present in this body.

Worship of The One: Every human being is caught up in desire, action and hope. Only way of release from this prison is God Worship. The trap of desires will continue as long as one is caught up in decorating the body. One will notbe able to turn away from idol worship. Whether Hindu, Muslim, Parsi or any other, can be termed theist only when one sets out in search of the soul of life. Man acts under the influence of desires. The resulting gain or loss keeps him always worried. Real joy is in carrying out the teachings of saints and masters. Nothing can be gained from worshipping their body or their image.

The real idol worship: If you must worship the manifest, then serve with both body and mind these living and moving "images"(people). Never harm anyone with mind, word or action. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked and help the orphan and other unfortunates in whatever way you can. Do not kill living beings to satisfy the taste of your tongue. If you follow these precepts, then you would have perormed real idol-worship.

The Material and Spiritual Search: The deepest research into materials does not give real satisfaction. This one can obtain only through research into spiritual life or source of life. No race or country can progress in real terms by increasing desires and comforts, unless together with it there is a research into the spiritual realm. One should firmly understand that increasing of needs leads to destruction.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Significance And Teachings of SAMTA (Equality)

The real meaning of Samta is to remain the same in all conditions of life. To obtain freedom from desires of both possesions and renunciations.

  • The real joy of Samta comes from giving up sense pleasures.
  • After experiencing the power of Samta , the great souls of the world obtained enlightenment and taught the people way to Eternal Peace.
  • The entire world is a manisfestation and demonstration of Samta. All things stand by the love of each other.
  • The power of Samta rules the world.
  • The essence of Samta is equality, that is the search of oneness. The defect of attachment which leads the mind astray, cannot be destroyed without understanding the essance of Samta.
  • The entire politics and dharma of the world is based on Samta. Any principle which is not based on Samta brings misery and does not last long.
  • The teachings of Samta provides freedom to all from religious and other worldly disputes.
  • The real friend is one who teaches Samta. Any teaching without Samta is just a wasteful debate.
  • The knowledge of Samta is neither a religion nor confined to a community. It is infact the shining light which is the basis of all religions.
  • Samta knowledge is above castes, communities and nationnalities. Communalism is based on self-interest. Even nationality is attachment. Pride of caste is like living in a prison.
  • Samta knowledge is obtained by giving up pride of body and pride of doing.
  • Samta knowledge is obtained from pure worship, that is from acccepting God as all-doer and remembering him as such.
  • Selfishness pits man into bondage upon bondage. He gets peace neither on gaining some thing nor on losing it. When he acquires the knowledge of Samta, then he is blessed with virtues like selfless action.
  • Self-determination and public service are the two legs for walking the path of Samta.
  • Before taking up any auspicious undertaking, it is necessary in this path to worship God. It is forbidden to depend on anyone else.
  • In Samta path it is recommended to reduce rituals to their barest minimum and give up all superstitions. For the general Hindu community and other religions Samta is like the thread in pearl necklace.
  • Samta path recommends study of the lives of saints who have attained to God and put their teaching into practice.
  • Samta teaching recommends study of the true laws of Nature and to live by those laws.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

MAHAMANTRA-For Peace & Enlightenment


Meaning-Supreme lord, Creator, Sustainer And Ultimate Repose, Beginniningless, Peerless Divine, Allpervading, Embodiment of Bliss, I Bow To Thee.

This MAHAMANTRA was revealed to Gurudev in just three days when he underwent a very tough penance for 40 days. How child-devotee Mangat Ram found God or came across the divine light of Truth has been described in the sacred words of the 'Mahamantra' for the edification of seekers of God. It is enough to say here that this 'Mahamantra' carries a significant effect. There is a special spiritual power inherent in it. Sincere and repeated recitations of this 'Mahamantra' has been found to bring great benefit. It is also helpful if recited before starting any auspicious undertaking.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Glimpses of Satguru's Teachings

The root cause of unhappiness andrestlessness lies in the never ending desires for pleasures of senses and the mind. Generally, most of the desires of human beings remain unfulfilled and this causes disappointment and unhappiness. Even where certain desires are attained, a passing satisfaction may be achieved but further desires soon follow and this cycle continues to bring dismay and disillusionment. Satguru has elaboratory discussed these issues in his discourses and holy 'Granths' and has asserted that these limitations can be overcome by following the path of Samta.
Supreme peace comes from achieving oneness with the Supreme being by practising the tenets of Samta. He[God] being the core and life of the whole universe, eternel peace can only be attained by realizing Him. So, freedom from the cycle of birth and death and a state of equanimity even in the midst of duality and desires can only be gained by merging with the Supreme Self. All creation, indeed, His manifestation and all religious and holy books proclaim His glory. Verily, verily, teachings of Samta beacon all to follow the path led by the Great Master(Satguru) and be at perpetual peace with the Suppreme Divinity.

Five Cardinal Principles :
Satguru Dev laid down five main requirements for spiritual progress:

Simplicity: It pertains to simple food (i.e. free from intoxicants, meet and greed), simple dress (i.e. not nurturing pride or arrogance) and simple thoughts (i.e. devoid of envy, jealousy, bias or guile). A cool and claim mind alone can experience the realm of spiritualism. Eternal peace will automatically ensue by adopting simplicity in life.

Truth: God the supreme being is the only truth. All that is under the cycle of life and death is subject to change in shape or form over a time and is therefore, untruth. Attachment to truth provides immense strength for self-control and freedom from fear and worry. Adoption of this principle entails that one should attempt to act rightly, speak rightly and behave rightly. This is path of Dharma or Supreme Duty.

Selfless Service: It is an outstanding means for spiritual upliftment. If one dedicates oneself to the service of God's creation in a spirit of duty, one can free ones soul from selfishness, greed, envy and fear. The full import of service is to relieve pain of others by doing one's duty. Never do service with a motive or desire. The sincere effort should be towards doing good towards others, as one day everyone has to leave this world.

Right Association: This is the key factor in the path of spiritual progress. The place of gathering where there is discussion on truth and untruth or everlasting and transient is 'Satsang'. It is basic to the well being of individuals, socities and the world. 'Satsang' is the only to remove ignorance, bigotry, futile debates and selfishness.

Right Rememberance: It is in the nature of mind to think of many and wander around. Struggle, worries and fears keep the mind and the nerves under tension. On the other hand, if one were to focus ones attention on the eternal all pervasive Force, worries and mental tension would give place to calm serenity. It would also increase mind's power and perception and lead to the clarity of vision. Pursuit of this noble path leads finally to self-realisation.

Satguru Mangat Ram Ji- An Introduction

India is and has been a land of great rishis, seers and saints for time immemorial and Shri Satguru Mangat Ramji stands in this great tradition linking the past with our present, and with the future of our mankind. His life was one of continuous meditation, his penance refined and selfless beyond belief. He was born on 24 November, 1903, at a village Gangothian Brahmana of Rawalpindi district, now in Pakistan. He was an unusual child and seemed far too serious for his age. He lost his father when just four years old and his mother Ganeshi Devi thereafter looked after him with full care and concern.Mangat preferred to stay alert in the meditative stance well past into midnight rather than to sleep, from on early age itself. He attained self-reliasation at the age of thirteen only. He was an embodiment of simplicity, humility and intellectual excellence with complete dedication to meditation. He was good at studies and was personally offered a scholarship by his headmaster not only to complete his high school but right upto post-gradutation. Mangat, however, consciously renounced a formal education at this point of his life. This seemed to him to be too self-sentered. As he said of himself later, "This one's concern was with the knowledge that alone could benefit the ignorants of the world".He took up a job at the behest of his mother but gave it up when she died. He remained in service of his mother till her death in March 1928 and felt released from his final domestic responsibilities. He remained a bachelor and a true Brahmchari throughout his life and led an ascetic life of intense unremitting contemplation. However, from this point on there was no looking back.He spent most of his time in meditation in high altitudes areas, dense forests and other lonely spots. Open sky remained his night companion for life. A wandering "faqir" with no possessions but a love of God; his living was startingly simple. For years at a stretch, he sustained himself on a single glass of milk tea per day. He overcame sleep, hunger and thrust.The reveletory verses of the "vani" welled-up from the depth of his "Samadhi" and apilled over for hours on end. Bhagat Banaras Das who served at the master's feet for 17 years collected as many of these as he could and compiled them into "Granth Shri Samta Prakash".The prose sayings on questions of applied "Dharma" and the way to right living are conserved in the "Granth Shri Samta Vilas". Revelations and doctrine converged an a single focus : Samta - the point where differences and duality vanish, the state wherein the mind assendsthe word of senses, and where phenomenon entities and experiences disappear and the individual being merges into the Supreme Being leaving behind the limits of time and space.He preached what he practised on himself. He was an embodiment of exquisite humility, undaunted fearlessness and an undesiring state of mind, a true example of selflessness. He left his mortal remains on 4 Februrary 1954 at the young age of 50 years at Tarantaran in Punjab(North India).He was the greatest exponent of Samta which he discribed copiously in the two "Granths" mentioned above. These scriptures are an ocean of spiritual knowledge for seekers of Truth or Ultimate Reality.

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