Location: patiala, punjab, India

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Significance And Teachings of SAMTA (Equality)

The real meaning of Samta is to remain the same in all conditions of life. To obtain freedom from desires of both possesions and renunciations.

  • The real joy of Samta comes from giving up sense pleasures.
  • After experiencing the power of Samta , the great souls of the world obtained enlightenment and taught the people way to Eternal Peace.
  • The entire world is a manisfestation and demonstration of Samta. All things stand by the love of each other.
  • The power of Samta rules the world.
  • The essence of Samta is equality, that is the search of oneness. The defect of attachment which leads the mind astray, cannot be destroyed without understanding the essance of Samta.
  • The entire politics and dharma of the world is based on Samta. Any principle which is not based on Samta brings misery and does not last long.
  • The teachings of Samta provides freedom to all from religious and other worldly disputes.
  • The real friend is one who teaches Samta. Any teaching without Samta is just a wasteful debate.
  • The knowledge of Samta is neither a religion nor confined to a community. It is infact the shining light which is the basis of all religions.
  • Samta knowledge is above castes, communities and nationnalities. Communalism is based on self-interest. Even nationality is attachment. Pride of caste is like living in a prison.
  • Samta knowledge is obtained by giving up pride of body and pride of doing.
  • Samta knowledge is obtained from pure worship, that is from acccepting God as all-doer and remembering him as such.
  • Selfishness pits man into bondage upon bondage. He gets peace neither on gaining some thing nor on losing it. When he acquires the knowledge of Samta, then he is blessed with virtues like selfless action.
  • Self-determination and public service are the two legs for walking the path of Samta.
  • Before taking up any auspicious undertaking, it is necessary in this path to worship God. It is forbidden to depend on anyone else.
  • In Samta path it is recommended to reduce rituals to their barest minimum and give up all superstitions. For the general Hindu community and other religions Samta is like the thread in pearl necklace.
  • Samta path recommends study of the lives of saints who have attained to God and put their teaching into practice.
  • Samta teaching recommends study of the true laws of Nature and to live by those laws.


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